Sunday, January 18, 2009

old photos

Recently, I found an old photo album from when my parents began dating in the early 80's. The pictures are absolutely adorable, so naturally, I had to share some of my favorates with you guys :) I love this picture because my dad never grins. If you know my dad, I highly doubt you've ever really seen his teeth. Am I right? He looks so happy here.

My mom, looking like a gorgeous model at Fisherman's Warf in SF.

The fateful day when my dad brought my mom home to meet his parents. After she left, my grandpa told my dad that she "is a keeper." High praise coming from my grandpa, who was a man of very few words.

My mom right after my dad proposed. He gave her a yellow rose corsage.
(as well as a ring, of course.)

My dad calling his buddy to tell him about his engagement. aw.
(I like the button truck behind him)
So, these are the greatest pictures I've seen in awhile. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

1 comment:

  1. this is so adorable!
    oh it made me so happy inside:]
    they are so lovable & giddy together.
    i love your family.
